We are already using vent diagrams in pedagogical and organizing spaces -- maybe you are too! Do it!
Rachel & E.M. are developing workshops for people of many different ages & contexts. We will share these curriculums here, as we develop them.
Here are some --please feel to use / modify them all, with credit to @Vent_Diagrams and/or the individuals listed below!:
Jewish Identity & Anti-Jewish Oppression workshop co-facilitated by Imani Chapman (imanistrategies.com) & Franny Silverman (mefranny.com) in Sept 2021
a virtual venting workshop with a White anti-racist educator affinity group - powerpoint & materials, facilitated by E.M. w/co-workers in Aug 2020
a virtual venting workshop with staff & volunteers of the Sunrise Movement - powerpoint & materials, facilitated by Rachel w/co-workers in July 2020
Intergenerational organizing space - workshop outline for a no-tech session facilitated by E.M. with a group of about 40 folks involved in a Participatory Research Action Project together in July 2018
Public venting workshop - a workshop outline for a no-tech session facilitated by Alissa Shelton of @Bank_Suey with a group of 10 high school student-leaders in Hamtramck, Detroit, MI who are working on civic issues in their neighborhood. Reach out by email for images of process and product.
Public venting workshop - powerpoint workshop outline & materials from the open-to-the-public vent diagrams gathering (Vent Diagrams IRL) that Rachel & E.M. co-facilitated at the New Women Space in Brooklyn, NY in July 2018
HS student art class - powerpoint workshop outline, facilitated by E.M. with a group of 15 queer-identified high schoolers learning about queer art & activism in April 2018 in NYC
And, let us know if you have ideas. We'd be thrilled to share your curriculums with others on this site if you'd be excited about that, too!